Insight Counselling Psychology Practice :: Counselling Psychology and Therapy in London, Harrow
Welcome to Insight Counselling Psychology Practice

Welcome to Insight Counselling Psychology Practice. The decision to enter psychological therapy is an important one and this web site is designed to support you in making the right choices for you.

Insight Counselling Psychology Practice provides face to face individual therapy for psychological difficulties and personal development. Psychological therapy can help you deal with any difficulties, life issues or symptoms of psychological disorder. You may be unsure what the problem is but feel that you need to talk to someone, or you may have a specific issue that you would like to address. Issues that can be addressed in psychological therapy include: lack of confidence and/or low self-esteem, difficulties in sustaining relationships, bereavement and other losses, depression, anxiety, difficulty in expressing feelings, loneliness, cultural issues, trauma, abuse, phobias, psycho-sexual problems, identity issues, difficulties related to abuse or unhappiness in childhood, stress at work and issues related to health or disability.

Psychological therapy is not only for resolving problems. It is valuable for anyone who wants to learn more about themselves and their relationships and improve their general sense of emotional well-being.

Insight Counselling Psychology Practice has been established by Dr Deborah Rafalin , an experienced Chartered Counselling Psychologist, accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS). Deborah has close professional links with chartered psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, coaches and accredited counsellors and can confidentially refer to these other professionals when appropriate and helpful.

Insight Counselling Psychology Practice respects every client's values and goals. Issues of difference in relation to sexual identity, gender, disability, religious belief and cultural background are worked with sensitively and without judgement.


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